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Service Description:

F & M Training Center offers  individuals job development & retention services (JDR) that provides assistance to Vocational Rehabilitation to individuals & youth ages in obtaining & maintaining competitive employment in integrated work environments consistent with abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice.
We also offer Work Adjustment Training Services (WAT) which is used for those ho require extensive preparation for employment. This include training in basic skills that individuals must possess to be successful at work. 
Program Service 1: Job Development & Retention Services will include: 
1. Job search skills development which prepares an individual for employment job placement.

2. Job search assistance & job placement which supports & assists an individual in searching for a job.

3. Short-term job supports are provided to individuals who has been placed in employment & requires temporary support in order to maintain and stabilize & enhance job retention.

4. Support Employment services support individuals in maintaining employment.

5. Extended Employment Services, such as
 Employment  Training  



Operational Hours: Monday-Fridays:

opens 8:00 am To 5:30 pm. 



Our Mission is to inspire, educate & train individuals to reach their professional goals, to create a work environment that challenges & support  individuals to be successful in the workplace environment.



our agency have 14 years + expertise & experience in business management, working with individuals in the healthcare industry, psychology, & sociology training,  rehabilitation counseling, and work development training.


Currently, 2024-2025.




Program Service 2: Work Adjustment Training Services 1. will include individuals who require extensive preparation for employment. For example, training in soft skills, employability skills or job readiness skills.


2. Individuals will be trained on core work readiness &  behaviors and performance skill training.

Request a free 15 minute consultation
Our Service Goals and Objectives Includes:

To provide job training programs for people who have the inherent right to  their full potential and to lead dignified lives and live successful in the workforce environment.





 F & M Training Center

Tele # 623-221-1579. Year: 2024-2025.

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